Wednesday, March 30, 2022

On the Road part I

        I am back in rotation. Maybe or at least this week I am on the road. Now it looks like the customer is out of rotation. No idea where I will be next week. As always I took my road kit along. My flying kit is twice as big. The company pays, so it travels in its own suitcase.

            The bottom or red foam never changes. The paints I use the most have doubles that live here. Nothing blows more than forgetting a paint.

            It is not fully packed. I just got back from AdeptiCon Sunday. Monday I was off by noon. There was little time to prep minis. I grabbed what I had. Always bring more than you need. 

            This job turned into a shit show. I am out of stuff to paint. Because of the shit show, I painted in the office at work also. 

            Lucky me the hotel with a good light to paint under was available. Normally I am force to move everything around just to get enough light. I move all the light in a Marroit room to the desk. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Warmaster "Sold"

             So I was at AdeptiCon. Every year the Toledo guys are there. If you have been you know who they are. It is one of the reason you show up Wednesday early. Most of their stuff is shit. But you can find golden nuggets if your willing to dig. 

            This year it was specially mostly shit. All the old rare stuff has been picked over and rarer still. I found 2 armies. A complete painted Empire and a half complete Lizardmen. The Empire was on hold for someone. The Lizardmen I got for 208. Today I sold them for 400. I only tossed in the odd command elements I didn't use.



Bought = 144+ a collection + 2 Armies
Sold = 2 Buildings, 15 detachments + 2 Armies
Painted = 254
28mm = 22
20mm = 45
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 82
Terrain painted = 187

Games played = 18
Games hosted = 6

Bought = 366 + an army
Sold = 0
Painted = 841

Bought = 4
Read = 3

Monday, March 28, 2022

AdeptiCon AAR

After Action Report

Back in record time. Includes stopping for gas and food and a little girl pissin on every bush from Chicago home.

            God dam AdeptiCon has gotten expensive. It is still a close run thing between driving and flying. It takes a day either way. It was 245 in gas and 68 in tolls. The food at the site was stupid expensive. That is out of the roach hot boxes or from the bar. Dinner off site was just as bad. I can't say about the hotel prices as we were on points.
            That we ain't a mouse. I had the kid with me. She is expensive and picky. Her expense is countered by me not drinking my face completely off and finding a purple haired trucker. We did see her smoking. Funny that is the same place I found her last time. COVID was not kind to her!
               We did the volunteer loading of bags. Last time they gave out food tickets. The kid ate free the whole time. 

                                                          AdeptiCon has changed too. 
                                                            They need a new venue! 

            The split gaming areas, locations created a situation where you weren't going between the sites. We never saw the historical location. We never knew B&P was being played. They need a location that can hold everyone.
            The parking, even after being expanded, is a shit show. There are 100 spot too few. No one was giving up a spot to go anywhere. Some parked and then cabbed it back and forth from their hotels. 
            The hotel suffers from no one wanting to work. The service is not to the level of the chain. Individuals would disappear. Servers would get lost. The trash was over flowing. 
            The event needs to be catered. The food on site is park park junk. It sucks! There are not enough location to get food. There are no beer venders. 
Why I won't return.

            AdeptiCon has turned into a pay to play. The more you pay, the more you get. In years past, they didn't sell tickets to travel agents. If you buy the package, then you have access the all the events prior to anyone else. Games fill up fast. When they are full before opened to the public. That is a problem.
            We loaded the bags. There were people that got everything. And there were people who got less and those who got jack all. There is no way they don't know what they have volume wise prior to selling weekend passes. You could have been a VIG and gotten everything the guy next to you got or you could have gotten far less! It was worse for the next level down.
            Now I sell everything I get from AdeptiCon. Everything. It is listed the night I get it. This years was amazing. VV was kicking around scoring all sorts of shit. So much a 20 pound box is going to the church for the raffle.

            The location blows. Same place next year is an auto No-Go.

            The prime drawers for us have been decreasing year after year. We play Epic, Warmaster, Cruel Seas, B&P, and Historics. Historics and B&P were off site. Epic had 6 which is close to avg. Warmaster took a dump. Now both Epic and Warmaster lost all but one of the local players. There is no Man of War any more, No FoG. There are not enough games for us.
            Playing pick up is all well and good, but I can get pick up at home. I have hosted larger tourneys at my house. We roast a pig leg. It is not worth going out to play pick up for 4 days.

            It is near dam impossible to get into one off games. They are held 3 or 4 times during the weekend, but you cannot get a spot. The wait list is 30+ deep. Which leaves you with playing demo games in the vendor hall, put on by vendors. 

            The vendors are not sponsoring or running their games. No 1666, No Oil Wars, No Arena Rex, No BFaS, None of the Battle Front. They are there, but nothing. Only two ran 2x2 foot demos. No big games. Small Wars had vendors running games and big games all weekend! Opps, Nappy had action going no stop on full size tables.

            I play dead games. I don't expect prize support. The still living games had fuck all. With the exception of B&P. Man those dudes, every dude, had hands full of goodies. I did not see that with any other system.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

AdeptiCon day 4 Epic tourney


        6 players total. I knew a week ahead we were at 5. The TO would sit or we would rotate out. Then I had a moment. I am bring the kid. I will teach her to play. In one week she got 5 games in. She went from zip to playing at AdeptiCon. 
        I am wicked proud of her. She did have some kid issues with losing or get smashed. We had a talk and Major Dan, her next opponent showed why OUR Officers are the best. She went into her game with Andy a different person and knew enough in the end to cheat him out of objectives. 

        Even know Dave didn't come. His army did. Two players had his list. 

 NJ Andy wins with Tau, 9 points. 

            When you too play the Tau and you can see what is about to happen to you and the is jack all you can do about it life sucks. Andy shot the lights out and stayed away. Once I was out activated he raped me. I was out activated from the being and could not cut his activations fast enough. It was a tough game. Both fighting for area denial and position. Then there is the fact that he can float away and not take the 2+

            I was 2nd with 8 points. VV, & Major Dan had one point each. Matt and Victor, sorry I can not remember your scores. The kid got her one point off an army Major. And cheated Andy out of Blitz in her game. Andy took me 2 - 0 T&H, DTF. I took Victor for TSNP, T&H, DTF, & Blitz. I took the Major for BTS, Blitz, DTF, & TSNP.

            When the World Eaters hit shit goes sideways fast. When they trip up, your scrapping for objectives.



Bought = 144+ a collection + an army
Sold = 2 Buildings, 15 detachments + an army
Painted = 254
28mm = 22
20mm = 45
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 82
Terrain painted = 187

Games played = 18
Games hosted = 6

Bought = 366 + an army
Sold = 0
Painted = 841

Bought = 4
Read = 3

VV's intro to Epic


            Pictures from the training days with Epic. We would play a turn or 2 a night. The very 1st turn was rough. I didn't think we would ever get through it. The very next day which a 1000 times smoother. What helped the most was the dice gods. I don't think she ever rolled less than a 4 the whole time. 

            I made her stick with the same army. Just to get the rules down and not introduce confusion. I played different armies as a way to show and provide a different experience each game. We played a mirror match, Tau, DA, IFs games

Saturday, March 26, 2022

AdeptiCon Day 3 Warmaster Tourney


It is like the dam ship was sinkin. More dudes were bailin then dudes sailin. And the Kid wins

           Rough day to be a Warmaster. 4 player dropped out. Still loaned out 3 armies. Good day to be a Warmaster 4 new people were introduced to Warmaster. I am old. Its an old game. We alway need new players! Sadly for us 3 were west of Chicago. Iowa is a hot bed for expanding Warmaster. 2 demos came from there and 3 others said they lived there. I became a pimp for Iowa telling the others were each lived.

        The Samurai were out. I took the min Sammy requirement. The Anchor was in full effect! 30 dice on the charge. 5 wounds and rapidly followed with no save making.
       Hey man your Cavalry is based long edge. Yes you are correct. Japan did not have horses large enough to support an armored man on the charge. The horses are too small for shock Cavalry. I don't care what Chris says. I don't care that long edge Cavalry makes people cry. 
                Yep the Takeda were there! And Oba's Tempos



            My kid. She beat me and tied with the TO. Everyone else bailed on the tourney. Thanks to VV for playing or it would have been Matt and me.

Warmaster Ancients

Romans take the Carthos 8 to 6. By turn six the dead were stacking up. Victory points 13 to 10 with the Carthos remaining in possession of the Village. The Village change hands 5 times.

Roman Dead



Bought = 144+ a collection + an army
Sold = 2 Buildings, 15 detachments + an army
Painted = 254
28mm = 22
20mm = 45
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 82
Terrain painted = 187

Games played = 14
Games hosted = 6

Bought = 366 + an army
Sold = 0
Painted = 841

Bought = 4
Read = 3

Thursday, March 24, 2022

AdeptiCon Day 2

         Today was a free day for us. No scheduled games or events. We also slept in a little. VV was blown out of the socket. Last night we got back at 2:30 our time. The 1st game was Epic.

            Rough night for people. It was me and VV in the morning. Parking sucked!!! Tomorrow's parking will be a shit show.
            Off we go again. Codex Marines Vs Tau. The Marines went down 2-0. I am starting to put more pressure on her. As she tends to throw away units and activations. SHe also suffers from ever General's issue, they fall in love with their army. In so much as to fear loses a unit.

            ?????????????????Some how VV scores a box of free shit??????????????????

                                                            Shopping Shopping Shopping

        I bought some more B&P types minis. I got a bunch from 1666. A little girl, a pirate chic,a plugue doc and dogs (3 mnis), 6 Tercios, & Veterans of the Tercios (7minis).

            It is one of the best games out there. I got Warsaw 1656 Campaign book and free minis. (6 minis)

            What a great terrain transportation idea. Easily found behind any CVS stocked and waiting for reallocation. 
                                                        ah hahahaha gotcha bitch
        I got me 33 more Northern Indians. Canadian Indians. Very good or even the only examples in 28mm of pre to early contact. They will be used for B&P.

            We ran into James, long time MechiciCon dude. VV went up and busted his balls, calling him CO.

            And Big robot game. The dude running it is mad cool. The game just don't fit in my head. The                                     robot is 3 or 4 stories tall. I am guessing 4- 20 tons, standing on two legs. 
                    Man that is going to destroy the road or whatever surface it stands upon. 
                    They can jump or fly. Now I ain't no book worm, but that there is some mega cubic butt ton of                             force to get that robot airborne. Exactly what is powering this thing.
                    The 3 or 4 story robot hides behind buildings? If your that dam big, would your armor not be                             thick enough for your sorry ass not to have to go hiding? And you be 3 to 4 stories tall at                             4 to 20 tons, you ain't hiding from jack all.
                    If 4 to 20 ton is applied to the corner of a building would the building not collapse? WTF!!



Bought = 144+ a collection + an army
Sold = 2 Buildings, 15 detachments + an army
Painted = 254
28mm = 22
20mm = 45
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 82
Terrain painted = 187

Games played = 6
Games hosted = 3

Bought = 366 + an army
Sold = 0
Painted = 841

Bought = 3
Read = 3