Not in any order, but this is what I hope to finish. I also have 3 commissions booked. All Epic; one city table and buildings, an IG army, and a Titan army.
Epic city table
Everything is sitting waiting for me.
Force on Force
Finish up the skinnies, civilians, trucks, and update my GIs. I just need to find a little bird, another black hawk, and some more technicals.
I got some 28mm Indians long ago. Dad grabbed me a copy of Muskets and Tomhawks for Xmas. So I got start that up.
40K and Forge World
Sell off the rest of my FW left overs/dreams and my 2 IG and 1 SM armies.
Cathagaginian army
I got to finish this army up. I got side tracked doing commissions.
Refurbish my gaming tables
I got two GW tables I need to make more historical looking.
Clean out my cave
There is crap piled up on every shelf ass deep to a tall Indian. I need to sell off everything that has been untouched since the move. And
Fire and Fury
Start plugging away at the 15mm ACW mother load
Attend all 3 HMGS Historicons and play a but ton of games.
Stay well away from ebay. I snatched up so much bullshit this year it hurts.
Sucker in two more fool to game with. Larry and Jack you are in my sights.
Make the Thursday night gaming a weekly happening.