Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 Yearly Plans and Goals 2nd quarter


        I will stick with last years Goals. The sell off has to continue. There is too much that came with me from NY, sat in storage, and remains in its box still. Epic is first and Anno 2nd. 

        I was doing pretty good selling off. Recently nerds buying stuff has dried up. Or I am no longer selling what someone wants.

        I bought terrain. A bunch of 28mm MDF buildings. 

Paint, Sell, and get playing.

        **** No buying terrain. 
        **** Sell off the dust collecting items
        **** Develop new players
        **** TO and GM games at Cons 


    This will be a year of Epic. The plan is to finish as much as possible. I want to play more.
                                1.) Finish the FW city table for AdeptiCon
                                        Failed to reach AdeptiCon. The table made it for NEEAT
                                2.) Finish the 30K Sallies
                                        The work on the Sallies continue. I have enough to play a game now.
                                3.) Finish the traitor guard
                                4.) Finish the Mars army
                                5.) Start the 30K Blood Angels

  Number 2 for the year is Anno! Continue to paint all the dudes in the box. I want at least all the                                        1.) Poles
                            2.) French
                            3.) Spanish
                                    Only the Spanish have seen any attention.
                            4.) Janissaries
                            5.) Common folk too. 
        Then have a 3D town, river crossing, Arab dock yard, and village ready to game in.

My collection is complete. I have enough minis to do any scenario. On from last year will be selling off the rebased. I will need to order bases to rebase the Iron Brigade. SELL SELL SELL 
                        Nothing has been done at all.
All efforts here will double down with Anno Domini 1666 for terrain. Then any minis would be to support the 1695 event.
                        I was able to join the York group for a single game night. When home on Thursday nights I have a place on the roster.

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