Thursday, July 18, 2024

Blood and Plunder York gaming night.


            There is a local group that plays on house tables Thursday nights. They play many different systems. This is the first time I will be home.

            Two Spanish forces are going. 100 & 200 points, land only.

There was no 200 point game. Only 100 points. As traffic delayed most players.


            The host's has his gaming stuff in the basement. No one has ever seen a basement like this. There is easily 200,000 minis. The entire basement holds this massive collection. I would guess the structure is 40-50 feet long and 30 feet wide. Some of the minis are on the plastic shelves as an army. Some are doubled layered. Those plastic shelves are lined up like book cases in a library. Then there is maybe the original game room set up as Waterloo. The table in that room is 4.5 feet by 24. The walls are lined with 
those plastic craft type drawers, floor to ceiling. The new game room. where we played has a 4 by 18 foot 

            I did not want to play with boats. The pirates rarely saw action ship to ship. This gaming group loves ship to ship action. I wanted to play on land of course. Due to 3 people dropping out. The sea battle and land battle plan was tanked. The summer of plunder has a teamed beachhead event. So that is what they wanted to do. 

            My force was set for land. As a Spanish garrison, yet I got the landing force roll. My minis are to attack the left flank. The plan is to hold the dock and prevent the two forces from linking up or supporting each other.  
            I took the dock easy enough, secured one objective, and laid fatigue on the pirates facing me. My indians took the block house. That stop the linking up. It allowed me to start peppering the other opponent. And he had to hold the center to prevent my advance as his mate was getting shot up.

            A huge engagement was on the beach. I started to shift fire support over.

            I killed the captain opposite me. The beach was extra bloodly. Our side had one objective and one contested. Tie. We tied in strike points. In points killed the other 3 had round 20 points left each. I had 60 with Teo, my captain, worth 30 alone. Attackers win


Bought = 506
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 16
Played = 11
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950 

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