Saturday, July 20, 2024

HMGS HistroCon 2024


            This is the hardest Con for me to get to. And it is 10 minutes down the road. The summer is what kills it for me. So many guys bang out in the summer. I don't bother trying to get time. But now that Cold Wars is no more. I will have to get my time off in. Next year I will go and run games.

            I was not scheduled to be home this week. Customer failed to get their shit together. I sat waiting on phone support. Then mom torpedoed me. She has tumors. They cut those out this week. I got to baby sit. A little pain and some get around issues. She is a warrior.

            I bagged the kid with watching Gram. Then escaped to the Marroitt Friday night. Ran into the regular old guard and most the dudes from Little Wars. Not the gaming group. The Chicago are guys.

            We don't do Epic or Warmaster. None of our regular local crew was about. I think Shawn made it Saturday. No one was available for a Friday night pick up. And I did not plan on going. I had no scheduled games. Which left me shit talking and drinking and spending my birthday money from grandma.

Vendor Hall

             Like I need elephants in 28mm. 3 elephants, 2 types of crew 40 bucks
            They will become forest bases
            Warlord had all the pre-order ancients. The main game sold out in the first 2 hours. All the other sets were available. The US rep was there selling his ass off. These things are far from cheap. GW type prices. I got just the commander sets. Each was like 30 bucks!!!

            I will use them as command stands for my Warmaster anceints.

Pirate stuff
            Musketeer for 1666
            And more pirate stuff.

            The big score for Force on Force. 25 beans

Walley's Basement Friday night was junk. People clearing out 40K and Flames of War for ebay prices. There was a 600 mini India collection for 2700. Beautiful minis, nicely based. No one was interested. Some Epic and ManOWar was about. I got a baggie of metal rhinos and predator for 15. The rest of the Epic was plastic in bad paint jobs for a ransom. The ManOWar was bought before I could see what they wanted.


Bought = 589
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 16
Played = 11
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950 

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