Sunday, June 30, 2024

North East Epic Armageddon Tourney 2024


            I left my house Friday at 10 for a short 5 hours drive. The hopes were for a pick up game the night before. I got there at 7. Terrible drive. I avg 35 miles an hour for the first 4 hours. The drive killed me, smoked. I didn't even want to play. 

            In both games the double Manticores did the heavy lifting. They went off turn 1 and broke detachments. The Manticores are too much for the garrisoning Malcadors. The ability to take 2-3 activations away places the Traitors at an unfair advantage. The opponent is left trying to play catch up the whole game. The loss of those activations and the area denial of Malcadors creates an unintended effect.

            Manticores must be removed completely.

Game 1

            Traitor guard Vs Squats draw. Traitors win 1040 to 650. I garrisoned both Malcadors, sentinels and disciples. I won initialtive T1 and T2. A retain with the manticores beat him up good, 3 activations out. The tank companies made Tim struggle to get out of his deployment zone. Along with failing just about every activation roll. T2 was about the same. T3 the tunnel machines showed up on my Blitz. Tim won initiative, his dice came back, and I started losing activations. The tunnel dudes saved him. I poured 3 activations into breaking them. Which left me with nothing left to take ground. We went to points. 

Traitor Deployment

Forward deployed Malcadors

Squat deployment

Game 2

            Traitors Vs Chaos Marines. Traitors win 2-1 DTF and TSNP to DTF. This was a primer/demo for Joe. I still tested the abuse of the manticores. They put two detachments out T1. One never came back. Both armies were beat up. There was little to activations left.

            There are no pictures or battle reports. I suck!

The FW City table made it's first event. Saturday 0800 cigar. 8:30 we got access and I started to set up the city board. By 9:15 we started. The table went together quick. Only a few pieces were damaged in travel. Minor stuff that is a result of the way in which they were made. Not from the packing and storage or transport. No damage from game play!!! 

            I have no idea who won. Friday night I got called to travel to Cali Monday morning. Applications has a 4 month on going problem. I missed the last game. 



Bought = 506
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 15
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950        

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