Here I sit at the end of the year, with an honest summary of the lies told to myself. I continued buying boat loads of minis. Several armies purchased, one sold. Cherry picking bullshit in full effect.
The kickstarters never opened were sold off. The printers were started up again, then promptly broken.
I got a house. I do have a room to paint in, a wargaming table is in need of a builder.
Never ever really got behind the brush on the Colonial project. Hundreds of 20mm Colonial dudes wait NIB. 1000s of Ansar are washed. This was the worst part. I must finish the project. That means chipping away at what left unpainted and getting games on the table. Hosting a Con game.
What happened was Warmaster and returning to work. Way too much time picking around with a system that was only to assist in getting me some more playing time with little effort.
I spent a fortune buying ancients, tomb kings, araby, and samurai over the last two years. Ancients started fall in 2017. Most of time and energy pissed away with ancients shields, getting 2 jobs, buying a house, and moving everyone back to the states.
With all those excuses/lies. I only managed 2 out of the 6 goals with one half way achieved. At least my ability to speed paint has improved. With it I was able to crank out 730 miniatures.
2018 Projects and Goals
Get the Sudan project on the table. I only managed a to finish the Naval Brigade, Egyptian Infantry, and 1/2 the Baggage train. Only about 8% of the Ansar were painted. They were the major goal.20mm Moderns. I got a bunch of characters, pulp, and Zombies finished. All the Afghans as a goal this year totally missed. I got a butt ton painted up, nothing related to the original goal. Plus a small purchase of a large number of painted US 1st desert war dudes.
NetEA Imperial Fists and HH World Eaters armies. Imperial Fist got some love. The WEs got nothing
Attend 2 HMGS cons and AdeptiCon. Only made cold wars, NEAT, & Adepticon.
Painting 800 plus dudes painted last year. The goal was 600 this year. Smashed with 730+ painted