Wednesday, July 31, 2024

HMGS Fall In 31 October to 3 November 2024


                Fall In 2024. Save the date. The action will start the night of the 31st. Friday and Saturday will be full days with Sunday being a half day. The Wyndham is the Host. The Host is much better than what it was. 

                The website is not functional yet. No firmed dates on GM and tourney entries. Nor when registration will open. 

                The Epic tourney will be Saturday!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Custer project


            A priest drop his his Custer's Last stand diorama. When it was dropped I can't say. I think it was years ago. He could not find anyone to fix it. Or didn't know anyone and lack the ability himself. He had asked a couple of years ago if I could help him. I have known the father all my life. He knew my father. At the Civil War museum conference he handed it off. 


            After checking the damage. I noted what was missing. What I would need to source. The dudes are an odd scale, 52mm foot to eye. No stand manufacture currently produces anything. I looked for dudes to print. Nothing close to the time period. I ended up ordering dudes 54mm foot to eye from mi toy soldier co.

            The looks over sized. The legs and hand match exactly.

            Then blew the dust off. Primed the chipped areas and tried to match the paint used. The paint is a little darker. I can highlight it up to be close enough.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

HMGS Cold Wars returns

        The Gettysburg location is a great choice. The Hotel is huge. It has lots of parking. The location is an hour or 1.5 closer for those coming from the west. It is easier for the DC and Virginia groups to get to. 

        There is no difference for me. King of Prussia is an hour plus away. Gettysburg is an hour away. I would stay in a hotel normally. Both have Holiday Inns around the corner. No Wegmans in Gettysburg! 

        "Some news. Fall In! Will be using Tabletop Events. This is new to the team and we need to do this right to have the best chance of success. Because of this, the timeline will be different than normal.   I’ve used tabletop events as both a GM and attendee and it’s a better product. Stay tuned, prepare your games and get ready for a great convention
        Cold Wars. We have a favorable proposal from the Eisenhower in Gettysburg. Frank Preziosa as prospective CD and Frank Luberti will finalize the contract and if the board approves I will sign the contract.   The date we’ve been given is 2/27-3/2.  We’re under the gun here.  We need to put together a full convention staff and run the convention at what is essentially a new location."

        You can be sure of an Epic tourney. 

        Maybe Warmaster on Sunday.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Falcata Miniatura "Colonial Spanish"


            The new world Spanish Dragoons showed up. I pre ordered or crowd funded the production. All in of course. 

            Originally my order was processed. Then froze. Nothing was moving. I did have to email them twice. After that my box arrived in 5 days. Falcata guys are super cool. They do only speak spanish. So you need to use a translator or find someone or speak it your self if you contact them directly.

        All for a 104 euro shipped.


Bought = 578
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 16
Played = 11
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Traveling and painting in 2024 part VI


            After NEEAT 2024 I went straight to Cali. My paint kit came along. The same one I paniced about sitting in 100 degree heat on a run away with my little dolls melting. No panic as they sat this time. I am a slow learner. 

            I had only one night in two weeks to paint. Only infantry bases were base coated for the Sallies. I had to switch hotels mid trip. Both Holiday Inns. The first one was only 1k bonus. The 2nd was 5k a night kicker. 

            The San Tomas HI has pretty bright desk lamp. The killer is the over head light. No rooms have over head lights any more. It makes a huge difference.

            I made diamond for delta on the way out. That is a 200USD gift.

            A red eye home. First class with two screaming babies IN 1st class. I tlold the mother in 5A the kid in scream because its head is pressurized. Please give him something to drink. I get the stink eye. The little fucker shut up. There must be a rule created that there are no kids or babies in 1st class. 

            4th and 5th were holidays. Then back to Albany and from there Cali. At Albany I stayed in the Marriott Residence, Straight points. A real desk but no Lamp.

            Delta back to Cali, no 1st class available. Well mix 1st class. You pay for 1st but we will toss you in coach or + on one leg. Comfort + this trip. For Cali I am back in the San Tomas Holiday Inn. Its 5k a night plus 2k for every two nights stayed.

            One week free. I was pricing Custer books all week. No painting. Next month is the annual Conference. We have 4 tables.

            Now back to Cali. Delta 1st class Sunday night, red eye back Thursday night. Everything for Delta went straight into full blown clown show. They lost their PCs. Bags stacked ass deep every where. 2 flights arrived and 4 were canceled.

            It toke 2.5 hours for Delta to give me back my bags. Monday I rode United. I have not been on a United flight in 8 years. I was 1st class for over triple what it normally cost to get to Cali. United doesn't give you water when you sit down. Nor do the movies work right away. There is no pre flight drink. 

        The first class seats are nicer than Delta's. A Lufthansa type design. Of course there is a baby in 1st Class. The 2nd leg I got a water in a plastic cup or sparkling juice offered pre flight. No Liquor, Is United a Mormom company? In flight meal is old school. Once the meals came out, the liquor came. United has 8 different whiskeys. You get a proper glass and the dude was pushing drinks like he planned to fuck me.

            On San Tomas. Double points, 2k every 2 nights, and 5k a night.

        Anno Domini 1666 dogs

        A bunch more Sallie Bases

           Same crappy light. I am not traveling with mine when I fly. Rhinos basing for a tactical detachment. Two Crusader Land Raiders for Devs.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

HMGS HistroCon 2024


            This is the hardest Con for me to get to. And it is 10 minutes down the road. The summer is what kills it for me. So many guys bang out in the summer. I don't bother trying to get time. But now that Cold Wars is no more. I will have to get my time off in. Next year I will go and run games.

            I was not scheduled to be home this week. Customer failed to get their shit together. I sat waiting on phone support. Then mom torpedoed me. She has tumors. They cut those out this week. I got to baby sit. A little pain and some get around issues. She is a warrior.

            I bagged the kid with watching Gram. Then escaped to the Marroitt Friday night. Ran into the regular old guard and most the dudes from Little Wars. Not the gaming group. The Chicago are guys.

            We don't do Epic or Warmaster. None of our regular local crew was about. I think Shawn made it Saturday. No one was available for a Friday night pick up. And I did not plan on going. I had no scheduled games. Which left me shit talking and drinking and spending my birthday money from grandma.

Vendor Hall

             Like I need elephants in 28mm. 3 elephants, 2 types of crew 40 bucks
            They will become forest bases
            Warlord had all the pre-order ancients. The main game sold out in the first 2 hours. All the other sets were available. The US rep was there selling his ass off. These things are far from cheap. GW type prices. I got just the commander sets. Each was like 30 bucks!!!

            I will use them as command stands for my Warmaster anceints.

Pirate stuff
            Musketeer for 1666
            And more pirate stuff.

            The big score for Force on Force. 25 beans

Walley's Basement Friday night was junk. People clearing out 40K and Flames of War for ebay prices. There was a 600 mini India collection for 2700. Beautiful minis, nicely based. No one was interested. Some Epic and ManOWar was about. I got a baggie of metal rhinos and predator for 15. The rest of the Epic was plastic in bad paint jobs for a ransom. The ManOWar was bought before I could see what they wanted.


Bought = 589
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 16
Played = 11
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Blood and Plunder York gaming night.


            There is a local group that plays on house tables Thursday nights. They play many different systems. This is the first time I will be home.

            Two Spanish forces are going. 100 & 200 points, land only.

There was no 200 point game. Only 100 points. As traffic delayed most players.


            The host's has his gaming stuff in the basement. No one has ever seen a basement like this. There is easily 200,000 minis. The entire basement holds this massive collection. I would guess the structure is 40-50 feet long and 30 feet wide. Some of the minis are on the plastic shelves as an army. Some are doubled layered. Those plastic shelves are lined up like book cases in a library. Then there is maybe the original game room set up as Waterloo. The table in that room is 4.5 feet by 24. The walls are lined with 
those plastic craft type drawers, floor to ceiling. The new game room. where we played has a 4 by 18 foot 

            I did not want to play with boats. The pirates rarely saw action ship to ship. This gaming group loves ship to ship action. I wanted to play on land of course. Due to 3 people dropping out. The sea battle and land battle plan was tanked. The summer of plunder has a teamed beachhead event. So that is what they wanted to do. 

            My force was set for land. As a Spanish garrison, yet I got the landing force roll. My minis are to attack the left flank. The plan is to hold the dock and prevent the two forces from linking up or supporting each other.  
            I took the dock easy enough, secured one objective, and laid fatigue on the pirates facing me. My indians took the block house. That stop the linking up. It allowed me to start peppering the other opponent. And he had to hold the center to prevent my advance as his mate was getting shot up.

            A huge engagement was on the beach. I started to shift fire support over.

            I killed the captain opposite me. The beach was extra bloodly. Our side had one objective and one contested. Tie. We tied in strike points. In points killed the other 3 had round 20 points left each. I had 60 with Teo, my captain, worth 30 alone. Attackers win


Bought = 506
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 362
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 49
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Games = 16
Played = 11
Games hosted = 5

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950