Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Anno Domini 1666 Dogs and next up


                When I changed my load out for traveling. Anno was bumped out of rotation. The Sallies' armor has been pulled. Anno Domini is back in


                These two had had following me around. They got some pets in Cali. Their heads look wicked shiny in the picture. It is just the camera.


Bought = 578
Sold = 507, 29 detachments, 5 armies, box set

Painted = 388
28mm = 48
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 73
Terrain bought = 30
Terrain painted = 170

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 12
Games hosted = 6

Bought = 5
Read = 3


Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection

Painted = 950

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