Once again we played at
6 feet under games. Huge place, cheap drinks, clean bathrooms, and the greatest wargaming tables ever. I am going to steal or get some Amish dude to make me one!
I did take pictures. A lot more than usual, but still a terrible job.
3000 points Emperor's Children Vs Imperial Fists.
Kal's List
My list
EC Scouts
IF Scouts w/ Bunkers & Trenches
IF Tacticals & Thudds w/ Bunkers & Trenches
IF Shooty Speeders
EC Termies
IF Termies & SC
Deployment |
Turn 1
Initiative won by EC
EC Hell Talons ground assaults targets the Scouts. 2KIA 3BMs
.........bombs blast spills over the IF Shooty
Speeders. 1KIA 2BMs
IF Scouts marshall targets Scouts 1BM. Removes all BMs
EC Tac LF doubles.
IF Tac w/ Thudds sustains targets Scouts. 1KIA 2BMs
EC Scouts marshall. Advance, remove all but 1BM.
IF Shooty Speeders advance targets Scouts. 1BM *1
EC Tac C double targets Shooty Speeders. 1BM
IF Storm Talons ground assault BTS. 1BM
EC BTS marshalls. Zero BM
IF Tac advances targets Scouts. 1BM
EC Raptors march.
IF Fell Blade RF advances targets Raptors. 2KIA
EC Titan doubles targets Fell Blade RF. 1BM
Retains. Fails summoning
EC Tac RF doubles targets Shooty Speeders. 2BMs disrupt
IF Whirlwinds sustains targets Tac RF. 2KIA 3BMs
EC Knights march
IF Devs advance targets Knights. 3KIA
IF Fell Blade sustains Tac RF. 1KIA 2BMs
IF melt Speeders march.
*1 Both were placed on OW. Wasted, the shoot Speeders should have been on OW not Tac.
*2 They were feed to me. Sadly in terrain, they failed all saves, re-rolls.
*3 This was a crap shot. Again they failed saves & re-rolls.
EC Raptors and Knights stay broken.
IF Shooty Speeders keep 5BMs
Turn 2
EC Termies drop on my Blitz
IF Termies & SC
(BTS) drop on Kal's blitz & BTS
IF won initiative (Both rolled 6s)
IF Melta Speeders double targets BTS. 1KIA 3BMs
Retains on re-roll
IF Termies engages BTS.
EC Termies engages Tac w/ Thudds. 7KIA
OverWatch IF Scout targets Tac RF. 1BM
EC Tac RF engages Shooty Speeders.
IF Fell Blade RF sustains targets Titan. No shields, 2DC
EC Hell Talons ground assaults Tac. 2KIA 3BMs
IF Tac advances targets Scouts. 1BM
EC Tac C engages Tac. 7KIA
IF Whirlwinds sustains targets Tac C. 1KIA 2BMs
EC Tac LF doubles targets Whirlwinds. 3KIA
IF Fighters
EC Scouts sustains targets FB RF. 1BM
IF Devs advance targets Knight. 1BM
IF Fell Blade LF advances targets Tac LF. 2KIA 3BMs
*1 1st time ever a SC points pays off
*2 HUGE BTS & Blitz
*3 Playing Tau for the last year....One would think I would guard myself against such thing. Really how many times did Dave pound my ass over the last 2 years with this lesson?
*4 I gave this detachment up. Big Dummy!
EC Titan, Knights, Raptors, & Tac C broken
IF Tac Thudds recover 1BM
Turn 3
IF won Initiative (Both rolled 1s)
IF FB RF advances targets Tac RF. 2KIA 3BMs
EC summons Great Daemon
OverWatch Scouts. 1BM on Tac RF
EC Tac Rf engages FB RF.
IF Storm Talons ground assault Scouts. 1BM
EC Hell Talons ground assaults Scouts. 1KIA
IF Tac Thudd doubles targets Scouts. 1BM
EC Termies advance targets Scouts.
IF FB LF doubles targets Tac LF. 2KIA
EC Scouts engage Tac Thudd.
IF Devs march for the objective
IF Melta Speeders advance (T&H) targets Titan. 1BM
IF BTS marshall. (Blitz)
*1 Huge fight over the right flank objective my side.
*2 Left Flank objective my side
Emperor's Children 1 Imperial Fists 3
Blitz Blitz, BTS, T&H
Lessons form the Day;
Storm Talons are well worth the points!
Nothing changes and I created a situation that did not exist. I feed my tactical detachment to Kal. Which which properly gang banged off the table. I got a BM and a KIA for my troubles. Also failed to focus fire and isolate detachments.
Left two units on Overwatch and forgot to use them.
I left my Blitz wide open to Teleport. Quickly giving away a detachment and the Blitz and.........my thud guns vaporized.
Kal's scouts were the MVP. They ate fire all day, broke unit after unit, sucking up activations like they were free.
Kal's luck went right on the window. The titan lost it shields and failed every save but one. The knights failed enough saves in turn 1 to stay broken all game.
I dumped my BTS onto Kal's BTS, which was sitting on the Blitz. Then I won initiative and gang banged poor Kal's BTS with termies and melt speeders. BTS & Blitz
Desert terrain is GamesCraft Minis or
Battlefield Terrain Concepts.