All the AARs are late. No time. We were running and gunning all day and night.
Warmaster is in Open gaming. Open gaming blows ass because. We are placed here originally because lighting in the other rooms blew. Then we wanted visibility. It blew because;
* Everyone interrupts you, wants to tell you 400 years ago they played. Lost, sold, still has the minis.
* You cannot walk around the tables.
* Staff wants the tables for cellar dwellers to play.
* It’s crazy loud. Dudes screaming ork bullshit. Mini blender frat boys doing frat bullshit. Getting bulldogged by some YouTube chicken choker cause his followers need pics.
A British dude won. I cannot remember his name. |
An Ork army won. I cannot remember that dudes name either. |

The tourney was over sold by 8 with 14 players entered. One of course took a piss. We became odd man out. Game one was a bye round for me.
Game 2 was against Pat. I denied the left flank. Zero action occurred. A gap in Pat’s line opened. Alexander time! The Cold Ones shot the gap and ate. I broke Pat’s army taking 17 out of 20 points. At the end of round 2 I am in first place.
Pat was so nice. He got a paint chip eater that never played a game round 1.
During my game with Pat the hotel staff in Albany called. The WiFi collapsed in the hallway. I dropped out of round 3. I had too much to handle. Which would have effected whoever I would have played in round 3’s experience.
St. Pete’s in Albany is a horrible hospital. They are lazy, unprofessional, and lie to you. WiFi arrives via EMTs at 2:30. She is moved into the ER right away. The staff does a once over and disappears. She is not hooked up to any machine. The attending never shows up.
They tell her they have a code. St. Pete’s is not a 1, 2, or 3 level trauma hospital. No one goes there if they are coding. Nor would you go there if you mite code out. 2nd lie we are waiting on blood work. No blood was taken. No blood work ever ordered.
A local coworker shows up with his wife. The chair the Wifi is in has dried blood running down it. When the Wifi gets up to go to the bathroom the chair moves. There is a lake of dried blood under it. There is trash in the halls. The bathroom she went to a trucker destroyed.
After 3 hours of breaking balls for any update I get the floor nurse. Her only response is I I I I I I I I. 2 hours of phone calls later I get the head nurse. She says the attending is coming in. Wifi calls back, he walked away. She hits the call button non stop. I get the attending on the phone and resize his asshole.
Blood work is ordered, a machine is hooked up. At 3am she final gets a professional. CT, ultrasound, skull scan, CT contrast for the legs, pregnancy test, piss test, every test. 36 hours late shoulders shrug and they release her.
Sunday night after we got home I sent the state health inspector the photos!
Cool Tables
Bought = 496
Sold = 52, 5 detachments
Painted = 353
28mm = 46
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 40
Terrain bought = 22
Terrain painted = 170
Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0
Games = 5
Games hosted = 0
Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection
Painted = 950