Saturday, September 14, 2024

HMGS' Fall In 2024 Event Registration is Open


Event Registration is Open!

        After a lot of work, events registration will be opening at 9AM on Saturday, September 14. Events must be entered by midnight September 30, 2024. 

        Please read the documentation about entering your events, which will be posted on the Tabletop Events page and the Fall In! website.

        If you have any questions, please contact the Fall In! events manager.

        Everything is going well with the transition to Tabletop Events. We are looking forward to utilizing this new system for Fall In!

        Saturday is the NetEA tourney. 3000 points, 3 rounds. Any army not in the NetEA tourney pack contact Kal. 

         I won't have time for practice games. Or at least that is what my travel schedule looks like now. I will need something I can play with much practice or study. My bouncing marines are rock hard. The deployment and supporting movement are key. The elastic defensive marines are less flexible and lack punch. The trick will be an artillery shielding any maneuver.

Bouncing Marines with Land Raiders

Elastic Defense

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