This year's plan will be exactly the same as last year. Most of last year's goals are rolling over. I want to smash my painting goal again this year. The effort to host games and develop new players needs to continue.
Year's Plans
Paint, Sell, and stop buying collections or armies.
**** No buying terrain. Only painting what I have.
**** No buy armies or collections.
**** Sell off the dust collecting items
**** Develop new players
**** TO and GM games at Cons
Year's Goals
Host Games
Host games at the house. GM a game or two at Cold Wars and Fall In. I have requested to TO the Warmaster tourney at Cold Wars.
Paint 1200+ Minis
I did it last year. I want to continue the volume this year. There were chunks of time where nothing got done.
Completely rebuild the spare GW table. I want to create a custom river GW board.
Rehab the GW FW city fight board continues. I want to link up all the roads with each tile. The buildings will get insert bases for the gaps between the roads.
Build a Sengoku table.
Warmaster Ancients
The plan is to get armies on the table, and continue tohost some historical battles.
Macedonians/SuccessorsPyrrhus are all roughly the same army composition. I have everything I need. The 270 Phalanx dudes will be extra rough to push through.
Carthaginians are maybe a 3rd of the way done. I have everything in stock. I have a basing scheme. The major hang up will be the same. The shields! I will be hand painting every one. The transfers in combination with the shield bosses make using transfers a MoFo.
Numidians; They could provide a another army. Are a 3rd of the way done. They need maybe a month's time to complete.
Samurai; I have a boat load of dudes. Now that I have an army that can take the field, what to do with the boat load of dudes. I will start to finish historical armies. Takeda, Uesugi, Tokugawa, Oda, and Ikko Ikki. Also there is all the terrain. A Sengoku (warring states period) table with an insert for the castle. Most the table will be river sections and rice paddies. I do have 20-30 Japanese houses and a temple complex to add in.
The Lizard army was bought painted. I want to take one month and finish the whole army. The plan is January and have them on the table for Cold Wars.
Regimental Fire & Fury 15mm ACW
This will be the year's primary project. There were dates set last year to do the Wheatfield. That went south as my players got the COVID. With most the Union rebased and the South's rebasing under way. The good news is, I have enough Infantry to field even large games.
The artillery cannons is done. The limbers are needed along with Damaged guns and silenced gun markers will have to be made.
The Cavalry has been started for both sides. Dismounted for both sides and the horse holders for the Union are done. I have 15 stands of Cavalry. Both Union and Confederate must be bulked out, and disorder Cav markers need to be made.
Stage one; Finish the Infantry.
Stage two; Bulk out the Cavalry.
Stage three; Get it on the field.
20mm Moderns
This is an easy one. Host some games!
20mm Colonial Sudan
This project got shelved last year. It may get little attention this year also. The goal is to host at least one game! I have enough to do a small skirmish. I want to do bigger battle with Ansar all over the place.
When I do restart. Everything will need to be counted first. No sense in painting units that would be over sized. I do not see any painting this year.