Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Great Sell Off part IV


                    Since my father died, I am left to sell his collection. I know jack all about his collection, the value, or how to sell it. I don't know the market. Over the years he told me this and that. I did not pay close attention or memorize what he said. Now I sit here trying to sort it all out and get Mom the most out of it's sale.
                    In an effort to save my family from the circus the Great Sell Off. I don't want my kid or my wife to have to deal with the massive amount of soldiers I have. They know a few mates in passing. They don't know what anything is, it's value, or where to find buyers. I will be selling off everything I have never used, sat in a box since the NY days, and those treasures I snatched up, opened the box, and they remain in that same box.

             Another of my painted 28mm Romans regiments gone. Wargames Foundry Caesar legionaries took in 100. Maybe 20 bucks in plastics there.

          There I was minding my own business when a creepy dude offered some resin crack. Studio Historia.


Bought = 88 + an army
Sold = 91 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 94
28mm = 27
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 18
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 27
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556    

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