3 day weekend looked so good to finish Terrain week strong. Well, not exactly on to Plan B.

Scenic Express showed up Friday with my fall birch leave foliage. I continued to add bits and pieces until my fingers were too sticky to be of use.
2nd package of 20mm walls. Same recipe. WIP

20mm foam core 3 story had all the holes filled and the walls textured.It needs to be sanded and a second coat of filler added.
The Blockhouse's walls were cleaned and primed. There were dry brushed and wash with the same recipe. I want this to be a focal point on the table. So a base was built from foam core and 3mm plastic card. It is all resin and heavy. This is the reasoning for the plastic card reinforcement. The structure's placement was marked off.

The outside edge was cut down. I did not want a huge lip at the starting edge of my terrain piece. Also the Blockhouse will appear to sit on a raised knoll. To create the knoll, wall spackle was used in thin layers.

4Ground cabin assembled and based.I will hopefully get it sanded, tuffed, and snowed in tonight

Another 20mm compound, WIP. This one is made from Resin. Much quicker prep to prime. They are not exactly square true. Some hard thinking and sanding to get a some what normal fit. Bricked in and washed.
A 20mm Walls package 1 done.I changed the way or order in which the exposed bricks were painted on the second group. There was a lot of redo and touch ups with the old order.

20mm Compound done. I had to put it on a base. It was not strong enough free standing and I want it to last for a while before repairs.