Monday, January 27, 2025

Epic odds and ends


        A few that had been kicking around.


Bought = 44
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 69
28mm = 16
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 21

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 1


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Saturday, January 25, 2025

SAGA minis for......


            A mess of random dudes. All for SAGA or to sell. All need to be cleared off the paint table.

            Old dudes assembled and sitting in a box primed since the NY days. I have been chipping away at them for a month or so. When I had a color out or waiting for something to dry. But always the 4th or 5th choice when waiting on the main focus.

            Etruscan Command stand. 2 are Aventine minis. The guy doing the blowing is a plastic.
            Foundry Metals. They were have done from the NY days. I thought if finished, they would sell for higher.

            28mm ruined columns. 

            10mm ruined columns


Bought = 44
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 60
28mm = 16
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 21

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 1


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Friday, January 24, 2025

HistoriCon 2025 Save the Date


July 16 -20
Marroitt Lancaster

Bloodly Miniatures

             There I was minding my own business. And here comes along a fancy magazine with lok at these cool new miniatures. 104 pounds and 44 minis later.


Bought = 44
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 33
28mm = 5
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 5

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 1


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Little Wars 2025 Apr24 - 27Apr


Jet setting problems

                I want to go. I planned to go. There is a wedding in St Lucia the 4 days before. I am flying back stateside on the 24th. I think I can go Delta to midland on a 21:00 to 22:30 flight. Then home 17:00 to 22:00 Sunday. 

                All this bones me out of hosting games. And or running Epic. I can easily fly with an Epic army for pick up games. 

Sheraton Lisle Naperville Hotel

3000 Warrenville Rd, Lisle, IL 60532, USA

  Everything is done on Tabletop.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Port Royal terrain part I


        It will ship soon. I should have it in Feb. Hoping it is here when I return from the back2back cruise.

      Scatter terrain.


Bought = 0
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 33
28mm = 5
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 5

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 1


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Monday, January 20, 2025

Warmaster Tourney in San Antonio 30Mar2025

            Ahhhhhh. I want to go. San Antonio is a party town. My schedule is tight. Warmaster and partying Alamo style! I would bring Samurai.

Warmaster Fantasy Revolution Open Tournament!
Alamo City Game Convention.
March 30th, 2025

            1500pt armies built on 2000pt min/max. Terrain Provided. Bring dice and an attitude to have fun! Some experience required. Three scenarios. Only 12 slots available.
1st Round: 1pm to 5pm.
2nd Round: 6pm to 10pm.
3rd Round: 8am to Noon.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

28mm Arabic Slaver quarters part III


        Hey mister take a picture. No, piss off kid. If you dont take picture my father will beat me. Looks like your getting a beating! A scene from the Elvis rest stop on the way to Jerusalem. Camels are nasty smelly mean fuckers. If your dam enough to ride one, well you wont ever do it again. 
        My poor Aunt at 65 years old ,in 08, rode one around the pyramids. She was gone for an hour. Returned completed dehydrated and unable to walk. She showered 3 times after recovering. I could still smell the camel in the morning.

        28mm Camels. I think they are short. The Camels I have been around seated on the ground are up to my shoulder. Standing, they are 8, 9 feet tall.

        Building Authority stuff. Scatter or objectives for B&P and Anno


Bought = 0
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 28
28mm = 5
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 0

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 1


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Great Sell Off part II

                    Since my father died, I am left to sell his collection. I know jack all about his collection, the value, or how to sell it. I don't know the market. Over the years he told me this and that. I did not pay close attention or memorize what he said. Now I sit here trying to sort it all out and get Mom the most out of it's sale.
                    In an effort to save my family from the circus the Great Sell Off. I don't want my kid or my wife to have to deal with the massive amount of soldiers I have. They know a few mates in passing. They don't know what anything is, it's value, or where to find buyers. I will be selling off everything I have never used, sat in a box since the NY days, and those treasures I snatched up, opened the box, and they remain in that same box.

            Lizardmen army sold.

            15mm Indian Mutiny. 5 of the Indian regiments for 30 bucks. What are you going to do with them? Your doing the Indian Mutiny. Ahhhh hahaha i have no idea. I bought them last year. They got lost over Xmas.


Bought = 0
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 0
28mm = 0
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 0

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 0


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Friday, January 17, 2025

Traveling and painting in 2025 part I

         Here we go again. There is no slow down for this year. All new people with 15 installations that have carried over into 2025. I started the year on a cruise. I have another one, back to back in Feb. Then April a wedding in St Lucia. 

        This year also started with TEL and Intel Or. Delta 737 out. The 1st class seats are so much nicer than the regular ones. No sore ass with a pre recline built in. Lovely. Next plane had the old seats. In a Staybridge, double points with 5k a night. I have pirate scatter terrain with me. No full kit.

        Fishkill Courtyard only 2k a night bonus. Police had to come and remove the people next to me. Partying all night, noise complaints, and the dude went down and beat up the desk employee. No sleep, nothing done this week.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Great Sell Off part I

                    Since my father died, I am left to sell his collection. I know jack all about his collection, the value, or how to sell it. I don't know the market. Over the years he told me this and that. I did not pay close attention or memorize what he said. Now I sit here trying to sort it all out and get Mom the most out of it's sale.
                    In an effort to save my family from the circus the Great Sell Off. I don't want my kid or my wife to have to deal with the massive amount of soldiers I have. They know a few mates in passing. They don't know what anything is, it's value, or where to find buyers. I will be selling off everything I have never used, sat in a box since the NY days, and those treasures I snatched up, opened the box, and they remain in that same box.

             Sold 35 more 28mm Romans and donated 30 bare plastic 28mm to a wounded warrior.


Bought = 0
Sold = 65

Painted = 0
28mm = 0
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 0

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 0


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556

Sunday, January 5, 2025

HGMS MARCON Cold Wars 2025

         Make it your New Years resolution to attend Cold Wars 2025

Dates :February 27th-March 2nd ,2025

Location :Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center

Gettysburg , PA 717-334-2755

Hotel room block  : open now :  $135.00 per night

room block name :"Cold Wars"

Event/ Game registration: open now-via Table Top Events (link at

Attendee Registration : open soon 

Exhibitor registration : open now -via Table Top Events 

(Link at

Volunteer registration: open now 

Further information:

as well as:

Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 Yearly Plans and Goals


        I will continue to sell off dust collecting bare minis. I will not be buying collections to piece out. I will avoid buying collections to cherry pick. If time permits, sell off all 15mm ACW that is beyond fielding Gettysburg. After that maybe an Epic army and the Forgeworld Epic models I kept as masters.

        The focus will be Anno Domini for terrain and minis. Nothing is needed. 2nd will be 28mm SAGA followed by pirates. Port Royal is due after Feb.

        I may restart 10mm ancients and some BFaS. 


Bought = 0
Sold = 0

Painted = 0
28mm = 0
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 0

Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 0


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556