I will stick with last years Goals. The sell off has to continue. There is too much that came with me from NY, sat in storage, and remains in its box still. Epic is first and Anno 2nd.
I was doing pretty good selling off. Recently nerds buying stuff has dried up. Or I am no longer selling what someone wants.
I bought terrain. A bunch of 28mm MDF buildings.
Low miniatures painted count this year, only 556. That is about half of what I was able to paint last year. 250 terrain pieces painted is pretty good. Very few games played and less books read. I need to let work go its own way and focus more on my entertainment and being home.
Paint, Sell, and get playing.
**** No buying terrain. FAILED
I bought a collection of terrain, a bunch of 3D buildings, STLs for 3D buildings.
**** Sell off the dust collecting items. PASS
In this a did what I said. I started unloading all the Imperial roman 28mm. Maybe 20% is still cycling through eBay. Armies that never see the light of day are going.
**** Develop new players. FAILED
Never played enough. Hosted no games and worked too much.
**** TO and GM games at Cons. Failed
Hosted no games, could not say I was going to be available. and had no time to set u/pre test games.
This will be a year of Epic. The plan is to finish as much as possible. I want to play more.
1.) Finish the FW city table for AdeptiCon
Failed to reach AdeptiCon. The table made it for NEEAT
2.) Finish the 30K Sallies
The work on the Sallies stopped. I have a playable force. Not a Kitted army.
3.) Finish the traitor guard
Yes. The army is playable with near every option. It can almost be fielded as IG.
4.) Finish the Mars army
No, up for sale.
5.) Start the 30K Blood Angels
Never started
Number 2 for the year is Anno! Continue to paint all the dudes in the box. I want at least all the 1.) Poles
2.) French
All commons completed.
3.) Spanish
All Spanish Character and commons completed. A 2nd terico and colonial forces.
4.) Janissaries
All commons completed and 1 or 2 Characters.
5.) Common folk too.
A few are done
6.) Then have a 3D town, river crossing, Arab dock yard, and village ready to game in.
The Bridge, Paris/colonial buildings, Arab Dock yard are finished. I did not finish printing the Arab Slave market. The Colonial base is only primed. The Colonial slave market is next for printing after the Arab market.
My collection is complete. I have enough minis to do any scenario. On from last year will be selling off the rebased. I will need to order bases to rebase the Iron Brigade. SELL SELL SELL Nothing has been done at all.
All efforts here will double down with Anno Domini 1666 for terrain. Then any minis would be to support the 1695 event. I was able to join the York group for a single game night. When home on Thursday nights I have a place on the roster.
B&P Port Royal was backed. The pledge is in and due Feb2025. I have started on damaged buildings and scatter terrain. I have more than enough Pirates for this one.
SAGA jumped into my world. Most every miniature was done. I see playing more games next year and another army added.
Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556
28mm = 129
20mm = 0
15mm = 96
10mm = 0
Epic = 80
Terrain bought = 92
Terrain painted = 250
Printed Terrain = 0
Minis Printed = 0
Played = 17
Games hosted = 6
Bought = 321, 6 collections, 6 armies, 4 buildings
Sold = 142, 166 Detachments, 6 Armies, 1 Collection
Painted = 950