Not my normal area of interest. Almost every shelf in weighted down with Egypt, Republican Rome, French and Indian War, Modern Warfare, and the Colonial/Sudan. Not made what the current interest is I also end up back to my 4 favorites.  |
2008 |
Last year and this year have been a reread of the Horus Heresy, a deep drive into pirates. I also took dad's AWI and FIW collection. The year before that was mostly Warring Period in Japan. I had a Japanese Engineer supporting my sourcing and translating for me.
18,700 |
The Inca are the only ancient American culture I studied. That was for a 2 and half week trip to Peru way back in 2005. I went to climb and more so for the Inca ruins specifically. It was 5 days of stairs at great than 10,00 feet on the Inca trail to get to Machu Picchu. I trained for 6 months. I carried all my own gear and water/food.
2005 |
Trail to the temple of the Moon |
Now the kid has a ancient Americas project. She chose the Maya because in 19 we went to Chichen Itza.
Her teacher, while the ancient Americas are not her speciality, is....well not her speciality. The teacher knows jack all. The kid knows less than jack all. I know jack. As the project progressed it became apparent the teacher has gross conceptual errors. Which leaves me as the math tutor and now the Maya teacher. No worries I can smoke through books and retain most of what I read.
My limited library, dad's limited, and my Aunt's were pulled first. Mostly flashy coffee table books and Nat Geo's. They are great at establishing the framework, tricky words, and catchy phases. Both the kid and myself plowed thru them. I started reading them because I didn't think she was reading them. Normally when she reads this sort of thing she asks questions. No questions, her ass ain't reading shit.
After that it was AbeBooks. I dump about 40 total. Truly crap copies and library resells.
This is the only one I dumped any money on. Landa's Maya glyphs to Spanish characters and why he left modern letters out.
(Landa was the cock eater, inquisitor that burned the Maya books. An inquisition that landed his sweet ass in jail. His notes and books no longer exist. This is all from someone's half ass coping effort) The round table records from Tikal is a solid modern source for glyph translation, but I don't plan on learning the language.
Bought = 378 + a collection + 3 Armies
Sold = 76, 14 Buildings, 22 detachments + 3 Armies + a game
Painted = 707
28mm = 81
20mm = 45
15mm = 342
10mm = 0
Epic = 0
Terrain bought = 82
Terrain painted = 238
Printed Terrain = 5
Games played = 25
Games hosted = 9
Bought = 366 + an army
Sold = 0
Painted = 841
Bought = 18
Read = 9