And I thought I was done.
30K isn't played by anyone I know. Maybe one dude from the New England group has an army. No one else seems overly interested. There were never painted to actually play 30K. The models were lovely and I had some of the Italian's wonders.
In the past I used my 30K Eaters as 40K Eaters. Using them as 40K Eaters present a problem. I never bought, painted, or created any demons, or Khorne related stuff. Sucks to be me in too ways. The original Khorne stuff is at a premium. Second, the original stuff is terrible. Everything looks out of place, covered in skulls, and not very pleasing to the eye.

Lets use the Doom cannon or Cannon of Khorne as an example. It looks like a giant ancient Chinese cannon. The thing rides on medieval wooden wheels. It appears to be powered by stream. WTF? Who approved the design at GW?
What is one to do? Print your ass off or go buy expensive toys. I did a little of both. I got some Italian Juggernauts from the Primarch Sale. Along with Khorne assault engines and a Lord of battle. The original stuff in the sale was fairly priced. The Italian stuff was pricy.
The demons are getting printed. Why because the original ones are huge and look like shit. They dudes must be 20mm tall! 3 times as big as a primarch. The guys I am printing are 10mm tall. All were found for free and scaled down from 28mm. I rotated them 5 degrees off true and printed them standing. The heads are printed seperately.
I need 16 stands, 48 dudes. With a full build plate, I can get 10 per print cycle. Each cycle is about 18 hours. Some dudes broke during support removal. 6 stands are complete, 10 to go

Of course I needed more bases. OO SmoothOn rubber.

Then there was 100ml of rubber left over. It is only half full. As long as you do not spray mold release the next pour of rubber will stick to the first.