Return of the Anchor
Finally got my shit together enough to request a game. I haven't seen Kal since Xmas. We haven't played in forever. Once again we are back at 6 Feet under. I am old and the tables are at a perfect height, XX. (My home table will be the same height.) You can stand up straight and not be bent over a table the whole time. It is not so high you that you can't reach across the table.
My List;
I am going with a couple of old ideas. Bring along a titan. Long ago I took a Warlord. It occupied an area and denied space, but never got its points back. This time I am taking the Reaver. Turn one it will double up and break something. After it will hunt armor and make formations walk. The 2nd idea was Bastions. I even printed and painted a few. They will be my objective holders with the trenches. While providing air cover with +4AA.
Let's see what happens!
Kal's List;
Table objectives;
Turn 1
Kal won the Initaitive. Spacecraft is coming turn one with a drop pod. Terms are chilling. The Planes came in down the right flank, beat up my speeders.
No Spacecraft yet. I was thinking I had not moved into a trap or into the orbital yet. I delayed and dicked around until the Knights moved up. These little bastards I always have a hard time killing.
I moved up a tactical and used the speeders to the right of the titan to cross fired the bastards. Those speeders were what was delaying the spacecraft. Their ZOC was covering the drop. This is were I lost the game. I should have moved the titan up and shot the knights.
In come the Spacecraft. It bombs nothing. The retain activates the pod, daemons summoned, and engaged. I am up by 1for resolution. This is the shit we rolled!
Kal's 2 ties my double 1s. We fight again. I kill two. Al hits me 4 times. I failed all 4. Re roll for RA.
The anchor is back |
I have 2 DC left my titan is broken and remains so for the rest of the game.
Kal's termies come in to grab BLITZ. I prevent TSNP and DTF. Kal wins 1 - 0.