Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Great Sell Off part II



             Another of my painted 28mm Romans regiments gone. Wargames Foundry Caesar legionaries took in 100. Maybe 20 bucks in plastics there.

          There I was minding my own business when a creepy dude offered some resin crack. Studio Historia.


Bought = 88 + an army
Sold = 91 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 94
28mm = 27
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 18
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 27
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set

Painted = 556    

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Blood and Plunder "Rope Bridges"


        Once upon a time there was a resin one available. I never got a chance. Could never find one for sale. Then terrain lock had a set, eBay special. The dude sent me a crap ton. I only need 20% of what was sent. And he sent it USPS Flat rate. It was free shipping the shipping was more than I paid!


Bought = 75 + an army
Sold = 74 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 94
28mm = 27
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 18
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 27
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556


Friday, March 21, 2025

Traveling and painting in 2025 part III


            Normally I would stay at the Courtyard for this customer. But the desk lighting sucks. Points are good 3k a night bonus. I will be at the double points plus 5k a night.

            Hilton Garden this week. I normally don't stay in Hiltons at all. They seem cheap and needy. Two waters in the room 3 bucks. Everyone else gives you waters for free. The desk lamp is poor. The lamp by the bed is the greatest ever. And the shower is pretty sweet. Normal points plus 2k.

        The next job is delayed. I sit for a half a week. We have Japanese exchange student with us. Even the dog has flip to Japanese. I had the lads playing darts and soccer. Basketball I dropped out of as that same dog bent my knee backwards. That night a 3 way Port Royal made it to turn 3. Japanese and English explaining a game is a circus.

        Then out to MI. Yeah, I fly Delta. The others destroy your luggage like it is free. Or just flat out plain old suck ass. Anyways, I screwed up and cheated myself. First I am on a little plane,Delta contract fucker. I was upgraded. NO free pre flight drink, not even a water. The seats are fancy and just as tiny. NO place for 1st class bags cause half the over head does not exist. WTF, fuckers?  Then I booked a direct flight. I have to fly all day any ways. So by taking a direct flight I cheated myself out of miles earned from taking a flight with a connection. Which in turn cheats me out of free flights and next year status. One would think a dude who travels would have this sorted?

        Look at this fuckin place. Not even a desk. A round table, straight out of the 80s! Like I am going to play cards with the lot lizard I picked up?
        The last place and the current one are full service Holiday Inns. Double points, + 5k a day and double again promotion. The second one at least had a desk and nice lamp to paint by.

Friday, March 14, 2025

The Great Sell off part I


        Sold my Roman Cavalry.


Bought = 75 + an army
Sold = 74 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 94
28mm = 27
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 27
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556

Thursday, March 13, 2025

SAGA shenanigans

            A few more camels and ruins also waiting.


            This is one of many waiting. My room is being taken.

        These two ellies showed up for 100. I jumped too quickly. Being cheap, but not a price I would pay had known speed paints were used. They were painted too fast. They have spots missing and brush control was poor. 
        Speed painted miniatures have no value beyond bare plastics or metal. No art or skill is applied to increase value. Little better than craft paints applied with a butter knife. I will need to touch them up.


        I bought another Greek army. I plan on taking all the Athenians. Then sell off the rest. I count 8 points for SAGA. I should be able to sell a 6 point army after cherry picking.


Bought = 75 + an army
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 94
28mm = 27
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 27
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Port Royal "The beginnings of a Warband"


            It is final stateside. I got my downloads and expect shipping to happen next week.

            They make some great odd, non rank and file characters. Perfect for survivors scraping by in ruins. Those desperate creatures fighting off the honorable men of Port Royal.

            All primed bone and washed AP dark Tone. The Dark Tone black lines the mini. More so it helps me see the details better. At 50 my eyes suck. Base layer for skin is 120B Foundry Indian Flesh. The lady's dress is watered down DA green.

            Some English armored dual weapons sporting chaps.
            All earth colors for this war band. No blue! Only the chicas will get some color.

            The set done.


Bought = 69
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 89
28mm = 26
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Port Royal arrives


            It took a week from shipping notice.

        I took the cards, plastic rulers, extra characters, extra weapons and the mouse pad gaming mat.


Bought = 69
Sold = 65 + an army, 12 terrain

Painted = 81
28mm = 18
20mm = 0
15mm = 0
10mm = 0
Epic = 9
Terrain bought = 0
Terrain painted = 31

Printed Terrain = 23
Minis Printed = 0

Played = 0
Games hosted = 0

Bought = 0
Read = 2


Bought = 739, 2 armies
Sold = 553, 29 detachments, 7 armies, box set
Painted = 556